Work in the Ruffell lab is/was generously funded by




Ongoing Research Support


Cancer Research Institute

Targeting dendritic cells to improve cancer immunotherapy


DOD/CDMRP Breast Cancer Research Program W81XWH-22-1-0406

Targeting ENPP1 to promote immunity during PARP inhibition in TNBC


NIH/NCI R01-CA230610-01A1

Regulation of dendritic cell function and tumor immunity by TIM-3



Previous Research Support


The Mike Slive Foundation

Evaluating TIM-3 combination therapies in castration-resistant prostate cancer


DOD/CDMRP Breast Cancer Research Program W81XWH-20-1-0012

Breast cancer immunotherapy with anti-TIM-3 


Florida Department of Health Bankhead-Coley Cancer Research Program 8BC02

Regulation of dendritic cell function and tumor immunity by TIM-3


Florida Breast Cancer Foundation

Targeting the immune checkpoint molecule TIM-3 in breast cancer


NIH/NCI R00CA185325

Regulating intratumoral leukocytes to improve response to chemotherapy


The Shula Fund @ Moffitt Cancer Center

Immunotherapy and intratumoral dendritic cells in breast cancer