10/2024 - USF Women in Leadership & Philanthropy.

Dr. Rollison attended the annual USF Women in Leadership & Philanthropy event, which celebrates pioneering leaders in their respective fields.




09/2024 - Moffitt Cancer Center and the Future of AI.

Dr. Rollison advanced conversations around the potential for artificial intelligence to drive the future of healthcare delivery, including presenting on the Moffitt Cancer Analytics Platform and moderating a panel discussion on Gen AI in healthcare.



05/2024 - Moffitt Scientific Symposium.

The ACTWONDER2S team presented conference posters at Moffitt's annual Scientific Symposium and shared different components of the study with symposium attendees.




05/2024 - National Cancer Institute CUSP2CT Learning Collaborative Webinar.

Drs. Rollison and Vadaparampil shared about the ACTWONDER2S study and the process of simplifying complex large-scale, multi-level interventions for the purposes of ClinicalTrials.gov registration at the NCI CUSP2CT Learning Collaborative webinar series.




04/2024 - Cancer Center Informatics Society Spring Symposium.

Dr. Rollison served on two different panels at the spring meeting of the Cancer Center Informatics Society to discuss the potential to leverage artificial intelligence and informatics for clinical trials advancement.




04/2024 - Dr. Rollison attended the American Association for Cancer Research conference.

Dr. Rollison presented ACTWONDER2S at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) conference in San Diego, California. Click here to hear Dr. Rollison share more about the study's design and watch Dr. Rollison's interview with Moffitt Center Direct John Cleveland about ACTWONDER2S here!




03/2024 - Dr. Rollison attended the annual Moffitt Business of Biotech meeting.

Dr. Rollison and fellow panelists discussed the incredible potential for artificial intelligence to transform cancer care at the annual Moffitt Business of Biotech meeting.



03/2024 - American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO) Annual Meeting.

Rossybelle Amorrortu shared a poster presentation on the ACTWONDER2S study that described the results from the formative research used to develop the study's digital tools at the ASPO 48th Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.



02/2024 - Dr. Rollison featured in Moffitt's Endeavor in honor of National Women Physician Day.

The article was titled "Data Fuels Cancer Research and Treatment" and highlights the important work that Dr. Rollison and other women physicians and researchers are doing at Moffitt. Click here to read more!



01/2024 - Dr. Rollison visited the Florida state capitol in honor of Moffitt Day.

Alongside volunteers, cancer survivors, researchers, and cyclists, Dr. Rollison participated in Moffitt Day in Tallahassee, FL to advocate for the state's continued support for Moffitt Cancer Center and the mission to prevent and cure cancer.



12/2023 - Moffitt Cancer Health Disparities Retreat.

The ACTWONDER2S team presented conference posters at the 2023 Cancer Health Disparities Retreat and shared different components of the study with audience members.







09/2023 - Cancer Center Informatics Society Symposium & Workshop.

Dr. Rollison co-chaired two sessions at the 10th annual Cancer Center Informatics Society conference in Kauai, Hawaii.



09/2023 - The Rollison Lab team Lunch!

Dr. Rollison hosted a team lunch to welcome our new lab members Dr. Melany Garcia, Dr. Muntasir Zitu, and Elliott Tapia-Kwan.







09/2023 - ACTWONDER2S Stakeholder interviews featured in Moffitt’s Endeavor.

The article was titled “What are your thoughts about clinical trials” and describes how Moffitt is trying to look for ways to educate the community about clinical trials and provide physicians with additional tools to facilitate discussions surrounding trials. Read more here!




06/2023 - The ACTWONDER2S Study Team attends the 1st Annual CUSP2CT Meeting.

The ACTWONDER2S study team attended the Connecting Underrepresented Populations to Clinical Trials (CUSP2CT) annual meeting in Washington hosted by the NCI. The meeting included presentations by each grantee site on their proposed interventions/study design as well as presentations by the Data Evaluation and Coordinating Center (DECC) working groups including discussions of how each workgroup will operate. Read more about the NCI’s CUSP2CT program here.







05/2023 - Poster presented at the 13th Annual Moffitt Scientific Symposium!

Rossy presented a poster at the Moffitt Scientific Symposium which focused on summarizing approaches to estimate real-world disease progression in lung cancer.



04/2023 - Yayi was featured in Moffitt’s Endeavor publication!

The article was titled “Navigating Racial and Ethnic Criteria Appropriately Could Boost Clinical Trial Eligibility”, and describes findings from our analysis about factors that impact the ability of racial/ethnic minorities to enroll in clinical trials such as clinical trial eligibility criteria and social determinants of health, read more here!







04/2023 - Poster presentations at the 2023 AACR Annual Meeting.

Rossy presented a poster describing approaches used to estimate real-world disease progression in lung cancer. Yayi presented a poster describing the differences in clinical and social factors associated with clinical trial participation by race and ethnicity. Click the links to watch a brief presentation of the posters. 



01/2023 - Dr. Rollison moderates the NCI Emerging Technologies Seminar.

During this seminar the EMERSE (Electronic Medical Record Search Engine) tool was discussed. This tool allows researchers to easily search and use patient electronic medical record data. Learn more here!







01/23/2023 - Dr. Rollison discusses the launch of the Moffitt Analytics Platform (MCAP).

Watch this three-part video series to learn more about Moffitt’s new home for data and analytics!



11/2022 - The Rollison Lab presents at the 2022 APHA Annual Meeting and Expo.

Rossy presented a poster describing distribution of common clinical trial eligibility criteria by race and ethnic, click to read more here. Yayi presented during a roundtable discussion about COVID-19 infection and hospitalization among patients seeking care at Moffitt.  







11/2022 - ACT WONDER2S Study Kick-off Meeting.

Drs. Rollison and Vadaparampil, multi-principal investigators, met with the study co-investigators and staff to officially kick off the project entitled “Advancing Clinical Trials: Working through Outreach, Navigation and Digitally Enabled Referral and Recruitment Strategies (ACTWONDER2S)” and plan for next steps. This project aims to increase referral and recruitment of Black and Hispanic patients to NCI-sponsored clinical trials at Moffitt. 



09/2022 - Drs. Rollison and Vadaparampil awarded NCI grant to improve minority recruitment to cancer clinical trials.

The project aims to develop and implement a multi-level intervention to increase referral and recruitment of Black and Hispanic patients to NCI-sponsored therapeutic clinical trials (CTs) at Moffitt. Read more about the project here!







08/2022 - Dr. Rollison presents to the Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch group at NCI.

Dr. Rollison is pictured here with Dr. Eric Engles, Chief of the Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch at NCI. During this presentation Dr. Rollison shared the final VIRUSCAN study results with the NCI group.



06/2022 - Dr. Rollison presents on the final VIRUSCAN Study results!

Rollison presented the final VIRUSCAN study results at the Workshop on Emerging Issues in Oncogenic Virus Research held in Italy.







06/2022 - Yayi's abstract selected for online publication at the ASCO 2022 annual meeting.

The research focused on examining survival outcomes in patients diagnosed with both melanoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia as compared to patients diagnosed with only one of these cancers. Watch a short summary here!



05/2022 - Dr. Rollison participates in an NCI panel discussion!

Dr. Rollison was a panel participant in a workshop hosted by the National Cancer Institute titled “Machine Learning and Health Outcomes in Cancer Care Delivery Research”. The workshop aimed to identify scientific gaps, barriers, and opportunities in machine learning applied to healthcare delivery and health outcomes research. 







05/2022 - Moffitt receives federal grant to support artificial intelligence and machine learning research at Moffitt!

Grant funds will be used to support infrastructure costs for artificial intelligence and machine learning research at Moffitt. Read more here!



05/2022 - The Rollison Lab presents two posters at the Moffitt Scientific Symposium.

Rossy presented a poster describing the association between history of keratinocyte carcinoma and survival following a subsequent primary malignancy. Yayi presented a poster on survival trends among patients diagnosed with both melanoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. 







04/2022 - Dr. Rollison participates in a panel discussion hosted by the Association of Health Care Journalists.

This deep dive panel discussion focused on topics related to big data, the COVID pandemic, cancer, and public health. Learn more here!  


03/2022 - Freezer inventory day!

The Rollison Lab team met to conduct an inventory of the remaining biospecimens collected for previous studies relating to HPV, smoking, and skin cancer. 



03/2022 - Dr. Rollison presents at the AMIA Informatics Summit!

Dr. Rollison attended the AMIA Informatics Summit in Chicago and presented our work on assessing the contribution of scanned outside documents to the completeness of real-world data. 



03/2022 - Dr. Rollison participates in a panel discussion at ViVE2022!

Dr. Rollison participated in a panel discussion titled “Closing the Loop on Precision Oncology Care”. During the panel session she discussed Moffitt’s cutting-edge precision oncology initiatives.



03/2022 - Dr. Rollison presents at the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center.

Dr. Rollison was invited to give a Grand Rounds Lecture at the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center on “Advancing Innovations in Cancer Research and Care Delivery through a Learning Healthcare System".


02/2022 - Time to celebrate our accomplishments!

We had dinner with our families at Jackson’s Bistro to celebrate a productive year!


01/24/2022 - Dr. Rollison interviewed by Dr. Hwu to discuss 5 Questions on Data Science!

Watch the interview to learn more here


08/2021 - Rollison Lab featured in a press release related to the primary outcomes of the VIRUSCAN study. 

The press release was titled “Moffitt Researchers Show Beta-Cutaneous HPV May Be Predictor of Squamous Cell Carcinoma” read more here.



03/2021 - The Rollison lab presents at the Keratinocyte Carcinoma Consortium Scientific Research Meeting. 

Rossy shares the labs work surrounding circulating regulatory t-cells and risk of keratinocyte carcinoma during a virtual presentation!



01/2021 - Dr. Rollison featured in Moffitt Endeavor publication.

The article was titled, “Driving Digital Discovery” you can read more here


09/2020 - Dr. Rollison was the keynote Speaker at NCRA!

Dr. Rollison presented the keynote address titled “Cancer Registries: Keystones to Cancer Research in the Era of Big Data” at the National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA)’s Annual Educational Conference.


07/2020 - The Rollison Lab presents at the 33rd International Papillomavirus Conference!

The COVID pandemic changed the meeting venue to virtual but that didn’t stop the team from sharing our work on the VIRUSCAN Study. Dr. Rollison gave one oral presentation and Yayi and Rossy presented posters.


06/2020 - Dr. Rollison was an invited guest on “The Data Chief” Podcast with Cindi Howson of ThoughtSpot.

Dr. Rollison spoke about accelerating scientific discovery with data. Listen to the podcast here!


06/2020 - The Rollison Lab presents at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)!

Dr. Rollison gave a poster presentation about risk of KC associated with circulating Treg cells. Watch the presentation here.


06/2020 - Dr. Rollison gave a Grand Rounds presentation at the University of Illinois!

Dr. Rollison presented on “Advancing Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Through Enterprise Wide Analytics and Data Science” at the University of Illinois Cancer Center, Chicago.


05/2019 - The Rollison Lab presents at the Moffitt Scientific Symposium.

Rossy presented a poster presentation entitled “Use of a spectrophotometer as an objective measure of recent ultraviolet radiation exposure”.


03/2019 - The Rollison Lab presents at the American Society of Preventative Oncology.

Yayi presented a poster presentation which won the “Best Poster” award at the conference. The poster described the association between recent ultraviolet radiation exposure and cutaneous beta-HPV across two DNA-based markers of infection.


06/2018 - The Rollison lab presents at the Workshop on Emerging Issues in Oncogenic Virus Research.

Dr. Rollison is pictured here with Dr. Massimo Tommasino founder of the workshop. At this meeting Dr. Rollison presented preliminary VIRUSCAN study results at the 6th Workshop on Emerging Issues in Oncogenic Virus Research, San Pietro in Bevagna, Italy.





05/2018 - Rollison Lab presents three posters at the Moffitt Scientific Symposium.

Yayi, Lux, Juliana and Rossy each presented a poster at the MCC Symposium. VIRUSCAN Study results were presented including information on generalizability of the cohort, skin cancer risk factors, association between HPV infection and sun exposure as well as the association between circulating Tregs and sun exposure.