• The purpose of this study is to develop a statewide Biobank for a prostate cancer among men of African ancestry in Florida.
  • Biobank is a bio repository for biological samples (e.g., tumor tissue, saliva) for research.
  • Your participation in this study will increase our knowledge of how prostate cancer may be developed, detected and possibly treated in future patients.
  • This study is not designed to treat existing cases of prostate cancer.

Who can Participate?

You may be able to take part in this study if:

  • You are a man of African ancestry in Florida.
  • You have been diagnosed with prostate cancer between January 2013 – December 2018.
  • You are male over the age of 20



Interested in Participating in the Study?

Please contact the Study Coordinator at (813) 745 - 3311 or Email the Team at PCBiobank@Moffitt.org.

Or submit the Eligibility Checklist

 Quick Links for Current Participants:

     >>  Study Documents

     >> Change Your Contact Information

     >> Eligibility Checklist





What happens in the study?

  • If you agree to take a part in the study, you will be asked to complete a response form and sign the informed consent form. You will be provided with prepaid return envelope to mail them back to us. 
  • You will receive a packet with a cover letter and a short questionnaire in the mail. You can complete the questionnaire and mail it back to us. 
  • Once we receive the questionnaire, you will be asked to provide a saliva sample, and permission to obtain your medical records regarding prostate cancer diagnosis and treatments and tumor tissue sample from your medical providers. 
  • You will be asked to complete a short questionnaire 1 to 2 years later. 
  • Participants will be compensated for the time and information shared.



Participating Institutions