Current Members


Xuefeng Wang, PhD (Group Leader, Associate Faculty Member effective Jan 2020)

Sijie Yao, PhD (Postdoc)

Josh Davis, PhD (Postdoc, co-mentor with Tim Shaw)

Tingyi Li, MS (Research Data Analyst I)

Elena Wang, MS (Research Data Analyst I)

Maria Isaza (Administrator)


Postdoc positions available (please contact 

Our laboratory, at the intersection of cancer research, machine learning, and statistics, is actively recruiting postdoctoral researchers to contribute to our exciting projects. We are committed to harnessing the power of computational approaches to unravel the complexities of cancer genomics and biology. We welcome passionate individuals who are eager to contribute to this multidisciplinary endeavor, advancing both the fields of oncology and data science.




Christopher Wilson, PhD (Postdoc, 2019-2021)

Zhenyu Zhang (PhD Student, Graduated in 2018)

Xinyu Tian (PhD Student, Graduated in 2017)

Minqin Chen (PhD Student, Graduated in 2016)

Lizhen Peng (PhD Student, Graduated in 2015)

Denise Kalos (Intern)